Laid back and stretched along the tropical Malabar coast with 600kms of Arabian Sea coastline, Kerala is a world away from the fast pace of rest of India. Popularly referred to as ‘God’s own country’ Kerala is famed for its palm-fringed golden sand beaches, tea and spice plantations, abundant wildlife, birdlife and a network of backwaters; canals that lead off Lake Vembanad. 

Wooden crafted boats were traditionally used to transport tons of rice and spice along these backwaters. Luxuriously adapted modern day version has given these boats a new lease of life as ‘houseboats’ offering travellers a unique chance to stay overnight and experience dusk to dawn local life. As you drift along the backwaters you see fishermen standing up to their necks in water to catch the fish of the day, villagers washing clothes and pots at the side of the canal and children swimming along the boats happy to start a conversation with you. Your private crew steers the boat, cooks local delicacies and is on hand to respond to your every whim. Expect laid back moments, birdwatching opportunities and spectacular sunsets as you cruise these tranquil backwaters. 


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